Our Mission is Simple
At AgState, we help producers prosper.
We work for you, whether you need agronomic advice, solutions and services, high-quality feed, or innovative risk management products for grain.
AgState was formed September 1, 2021, when ALCECO/Ag Partners and First Cooperative Association became a merged entity. It is managed by a 11-farmer member board, made up of former ALCECO/Ag Partners and FCA board members. As your co-op, we are driven to help you succeed and be profitable on every acre and animal. With local management making decisions and a long history of financial stability, we provide leading technology with expert support, high quality products and exceptional service.
Investing in our Members
AgState continually invests in its facilities and equipment to keep pace with customer needs. We make regular grain storage upgrades and enhance grain-drying capabilities to improve service when our customers are busiest.
Our vision is to stay ahead of customer needs, so our members receive the best possible service. Our strong employee roster matches our commitment to service at each of our grain facilities, retail agronomy outlets, and feed mills.

Return your credit application to your local AgState’s location or fax to 712-225-5493
(attention Credit Department).
You may also mail/fax your application to:
960 Riverview Drive
Cherokee, IA 51012
Fax 712-225-5493
For questions regarding your customer statement, contact your local AgState’s location or call 1.888.216.1647 and ask to speak to someone in the Credit Department.
AgState is proud to partner with Cooperative Credit Association to offer our members a financing program customized to work for your operation.
Click the link to learn more about this financing program.

AgState Membership Application
AgState Stock Redemption Request
(Estates Only)
AgState is the result of a merger between First Cooperative Association (FCA) and ALCECO/Ag Partners. As such, our combined roots date back to the earliest days of Iowa agriculture.
FCA was recognized as the oldest active grain cooperative in the nation. The Marcus grain location was incorporated on December 12, 1887.
ALCECO/Ag Partners has served Iowa producers for more than 100 years. And was instrumental in bringing the loading of grain shuttles to northwest Iowa.
From the early days, our cooperative was built from the ground up by people with a vision, who put countless hours into making these co-ops work. Our people continue to make us strong and financially stable and move us forward into the future.
AgState is proud to invest in the next generation of leaders who will contribute to the agricultural industry.
Eligible High Schools:
Cherokee – Washington
Gehlen Catholic
Graettinger-Terril (GTRA)
Harris-Lake Park
Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn (HMS)
Le Mars
MOC-Floyd Valley
Pocahontas Area
Ridge View
Sioux Central
South Hamilton
South O’Brien
Storm Lake
Storm Lake – St. Mary’s
Trinity Christian
Unity Christian
Western Christian
The 2025 application period has ended.

Community Donation Requests
AgState is commited to our customers, employees, and our communities.
AgState strives to play an active role in the communities we serve. Our goal is to make an impact in a positive and meaningful way. Our employees are active members in their school districts, local non-profit organizations, and churches. AgState recognizes that charitable giving builds a sense of purpose, strengthens community connections and builds morale for customers and employee’s.
Each donation request will be reviewed and evaluated with preference given to Agriculture Education & Programing (4-H & FFA), Safety, and Community Enrichment. Donations should be submitted 4-6 weeks prior to funds being needed. Only organizations who’s requests are funded will be notified.