Committed to Quality
We work to do the right things for the right reasons. This brings our mills up to standards used by the human food industry.
We produce animal feed with as much care as goes into baking your daily bread. We are proud to be Safe Feed Safe Food certified because our commitment to quality gives livestock producers another important reason to value our feed. Safe feed that leads to safe food is our passion.
When you get superior quality at a competitive price, you have true value. Our two full-time ingredient buyers purchase at opportune times, and they pool ingredient supplies for our feed mills. This allows us to achieve low-cost production and mitigate risk for our customers.

Building on our commitment to Central Iowa livestock producers.
Our feed mills are located throughout northwest and central Iowa. AgState paves the way with capital investments to ensure our facilities are upgraded and utilize the best technology in production practices, including:
- A multi-million dollar expansion at our Sheldon location allowed us to double our mash production with a new six-ton mixer. High-speed mixers shorten our mix times to three minutes or less.
- We also added a new pellet tower that can house two separate pellet lines. This addition features the latest technology in pelleting and allows us to use various ingredients to lower feed costs.
- Our Ellsworth location has added two new mills over the past six years. These mills allow us to stay ahead of feed demand in this area.
AgState is involved in several new hog barn projects. We are pleased to have the ability to link swine owners with available swine spaces and facilitate management of those spaces.
We have multi-year agreements available for both new and existing barns. Additionally, AgState has a site certification and auditor on staff to ensure the best possible swine environment.
For more information about this program, contact Tony Bohlke at 712-540-1916